Cooking Fever – Sunset Waffles Strategy Guide

Level Guide

Use this level guide to help develop your playing strategy. 

Number of Guests – This number can be an indicator of how much people will order and what they may be ordering.  After Level 15, a low number of guests might mean that they will be ordering multiple menu items or it could be an indicator that there won’t be enough earnings to get 3 stars unless you hand out treats or increase the price of the popular items.  A high number of guests might be an indicator that many guests will be just ordering beverages or an add-on item instead of the main dishes.

Popular Foods – These are menu items that are ordered often during the level.  Prepare these items in advance and store them on your Tabletop or on warmers so that they are ready to hand out as soon as they are ordered.  Upgrading these items before starting the level can also increase your level earnings.

Noteworthy – This is extra information that might be helpful during the level.

Level Minimum Goal Number of Guests Popular Foods Noteworthy
1 150 12 * $50 Completion Bonus
2 * 12 * Upgrade Rectangular Waffle Maker, Milkshake Mixer and Tabletop to Level 1
3 255 12 * Honey now available
4 315 13 * Upgrade Dough and Chocolate to Level 1
5 13 Honey $150 Completion Bonus; Upgrade Honey to Level 1
6 400 13 * *
7 405 14 Chocolate Milkshakes Round Waffle Maker now available
8 410 14 Round Waffles *
9 415 14 Chocolate Milkshakes *
10 420 15 Chocolate Milkshakes $300 Completion Bonus
11 425 15 * *
12 480 15 * *
13 550 16 * *
14 555 16 * Whipped Cream now available
15 560 16 * $500 Completion Bonus
16 565 17 * *
17 570 17 * *
18 575 17 * Cupcakes now available
19 580 18 * *
20 670 18 * $700 Completion Bonus
21 850 18 Round Waffles *
22 900 19 * Wildberry now available
23 905 19 Wildberry Milkshake *
24 980 19 * *
25 1000 20 Cupcakes $1000 Completion Bonus
26 1100 20 * *
27 1105 20 Milkshakes Chocolate Mousse now available
28 1110 21 * *
29 1120 21 * *
30 1200 21 Cupcakes $1500 Completion Bonus; all waffles have whipped cream
31 1210 22 Cupcakes *
32 1220 22 * *
33 1230 22 * *
34 1240 23 * *
35 1250 23 $2000 Completion Bonus *
36 1260 23 * *
37 1270 23 * *
38 1280 23 * *
39 1300 23 * *
40 1310 23 $3000 Completion Bonus *

Strategy and Upgrade Tips

  • Continually click on your Milkshake and Whipped Cream machines throughout the level so that they are always refilling the xx.  Keep them fully stocked at all times and click on them even when its already full.  
  • To pass Level 5 & 6 with 3 stars, you’ll need to upgrade your Rectangle Waffles, Waffle Maker, Milkshake Mixer,  Milkshake Glass, Dough, Plates, Honey and Chocolate to at least level 2.
  • The Automatic Waffle Maker becomes available after Level 27 and can be purchased for 40 gems.
  • Don’t be afraid to upgrade – all of your improvements will pay off
  • Waffles can burn, so don’t let cooked waffles stay on the waffle makers too long.

Next Page: The Restaurant Tasks guide for Cooking Fever – Sunset Waffles

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